
Showing posts with the label dog

The Benefits of Pets: Why Owning One is Good for Your Health

The Benefits of Pets: Why Owning One is Good for Your Health Pets are more than just cuddly ,cute and lovely companions. They offer a range of benefits that can improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. Research has shown that owning a pet can lower your stress levels, reduce your risk of heart disease, and even improve your social life. In this article, we'll explore some of the ways that pets can benefit your health and why you should consider adding one to your family. 1- Lower Stress Levels Pets are natural stress-relievers. Spending time with a pet can lower your cortisol levels, which is the hormone associated with stress. This can reduce your blood pressure and help you feel more relaxed overall. Pets also offer unconditional love and support, which can be particularly helpful during difficult times. 2-Improved Heart Health Owning a pet can also improve your heart health. Research has shown that pet owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which ca...

Bloody Stool in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Bloody Stool in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options Bloody stool in dogs can be a concerning and alarming sight for any pet owner. It may indicate an underlying health issue that requires prompt medical attention. If you notice your furry friend passing blood in their stool, it's essential to take them to the vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment. In this article, we'll discuss the possible causes, symptoms, and treatment options for bloody stool in dogs. Causes of Bloody Stool in Dogs: Parasites: Intestinal parasites such as hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms can cause bloody diarrhea in dogs. Dietary indiscretion: Consuming food items that are spoiled, contaminated, or toxic can lead to diarrhea with blood in dogs. Bacterial infections: Certain bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli can cause bloody diarrhea in dogs. Viral infections: Parvovirus, coronavirus, and distemper are examples of viral infections that can cause bloody diarrhea in dogs. Inflammatory bow...

5 Proven Tips to get rid of your dog or cat Fleas Permanently

 5 Proven Tips  to get rid of your dog or cat Fleas Permanently  Fleas are external parasites, which inhabit the skin, and hide in the fur of cats or other pets with thick hair, and feed on the blood of the cat that inhabits it, causing skin irritation and infections, and may also cause the transmission of many viral diseases to cat. Rarely do you find a cat breeder who did not suffer from this problem with his cat, especially if he is among those who often accompany the cat outside the house. Therefore, we dedicate this article to talk about this problem, its causes and symptoms, how to clean cats in general, and how to clean cats from fleas in particular. How is the process of cleaning cats from fleas?  Cleaning cats from insects and fleas depends on two parts, as we mentioned, namely: cleaning the cat itself, and cleaning the surroundings or living space. Here are some cleaning procedures for the cat itself: 1- Use a flea control powder or flea spray superficially...

How to treat brucella : The complete Guide for Brucella

  Bang’s Disease   "  Brucellosis"  Causes of  Bang’s Disease  :  Brucella ovis in sheep and  Brucella melitensis for goats Mode Of Infection in Sheep and Goats :   Ingestion of the Brucella : Contaminated Feed , water and pastures these are the major source of infection . Aerosol  transmission : Contaminated air with Brucella . - Contact with aborted pregnancies . - Semen of infected bulls can transmit the infection and milk of infected cattle .  - Sheep and goats can be infected from cattle . Human Infection " How can human get brucella infection ?" 1- Open skin wounds and contact with contaminated animals tissues ,fluids and aborted fetuses . 2-Dairy products : If consumed from infected animals. 3- Aerosol mode of transmission by breathing contaminated dust . Symptoms of Brucella in cattle  - Abortion  " storm of abortions "  .  - Retained placenta.  - Testis inflammatio...

Everything You Want To know About Heart Worms In Dogs

Heartworm disease in dogs  Heartworm Disease in Dogs Definition of Heart Worms : - Heartworm disease is the result of an infection by a worm diflaria Metis . - Heartworm infection is acquired by dogs after an infected mosquito takes a blood meal from the dog . Pathogenesis of heart worms - Life cycle of heart worm: To understand how to prevent heartworm disease in your dog let's take a look at the life cycle of the heartworm . 1- The life cycle of the heartworm begins when a mosquito feeds on a heartworm infected animal and ingests an immature microscopic stage of the heart worm called microfilaria . 2- Once inside the mosquito the microfilaria develop into infective larvae within one to four weeks depending on external temperatures when the mosquito takes its next blood meal from a susceptible host such as your dog the infected larvae are deposited into the skin surrounding the bite . 3- The infected larvae grow into the dog's skin for up to two weeks be...

Dog Choking - Causes and Emergency Care of Choking Dog

Dog Choking - The compete Guide To What To Do  If you suspect your dog is choking, the priority is always to keep yourself safe.  Stay as calm as you can, and help them by carefully restraining them.  And then, you want to open their mouth, which is sometimes easier done with two people, and safer done by two people, and only do this if you are confident that you're not putting yourself at risk.  You would open their mouth, and you would check inside to see if there is anything obvious, which you would just remove with your finger and thumb.  Don't be tempted to put your hands in or finger sweep around unless there is something very obvious that you can see, and it might be easier to use tweezers or forceps to remove anything. For a small dog, you would hold them upside down and you would gently shake them, holding them by their thighs and gently shake them.  Boo is clearly not a small dog, so for Boo, what we are trying to do is to get her into a ...

Dog Leukemia

Dog Leukemia  Definition of Dog Leukemia :  - It is A malignant cancer of the WBCs " White Blood Corpuscles " where increase in the count of WBCs in the blood and bone marrow occurs and causing acute or chronic disease where chronic leukemia is less malignant than acute leukemia . Symptoms and signs of Dog Leukemia : Fever. Tongue : Pale color or white. Gums and mucus membranes : Pale . General : Weight loss, Vomiting,lethargy,Bruising and easily bleed. Digestive : Diarrhea,Vomiting and loss of appetite . Decreased Immunity : reoccurred infections , Delayed healing of wounds and bleeding much . Heart rate : Increased. Respiration :Irregular. Chronic infection of leukemia in dogs is characterozed by anemia , weight loss , enlargement of lymph nodes and spleen.... What are the Causes  Dogs Leukemia ? Causes of Leukemia are not well known till now . But it is some mutation in bone marrow which cause development of t...

Canine Kidney Disease : Signs and symptoms to know

How to know the  Symptoms  and  Signs  of  CKD "Canine Kidney Disease ".  Definition of    CKD "Canine Kidney Disease ":    Canine kidney disease is a serious condition that can develop over time or appear suddenly, without warning.  Identify the common signs and symptoms so you can call your vet for advice.  You will need Dog water ,dog food and veterinarian.  .............................................................................................. Step 1. Watch your dog to see if he drinks more water than usual.  Dehydration is an early sign of kidney disease.  Always provide your dog with plenty of fresh drinking water.  Measure the water you given them to see if the amount they drink increases or decreases.  ................................................................................................... Step 2. Determine whether or not your dog is urinating more than usual....

12 Things About You that Your Dog Hate

12 Things About You that Your Dog Hate  When you get a dog your life becomes way more fun. Now you have a best friend who's waiting for you to come home every evening and lightens up your mood ,No matter the circumstances every dog unconditionally loves his or her owner. But there are quite a few ways you can get your dogs mad without even realizing . We collected 12 of these annoying habits that our beloved pets don't fancy at all . Did you know that most dogs don't like it when you pat their heads course every pet is different but it's still useful for every dog lover to know these little things.... 12 - Hugging your dog : We might think that there is nothing wrong about wrapping our arms around our pets, but in fact most dogs don't like it . The closest dogs get to the human hug is by putting their legs over the shoulders of others but in the dog world it is considered to be a controlling act . That's why some dogs simply tolerate a hug whil...