How to treat brucella : The complete Guide for Brucella
Bang’s Disease " Brucellosis"
Causes of Bang’s Disease :
Brucella ovis in sheep and Brucella melitensis for goats
Mode Of Infection in Sheep and Goats :
Ingestion of the Brucella : Contaminated Feed , water and pastures these are the major source of infection .
Aerosol transmission : Contaminated air with Brucella .
- Contact with aborted pregnancies .
- Semen of infected bulls can transmit the infection and milk of infected cattle .
- Sheep and goats can be infected from cattle .
Human Infection " How can human get brucella infection ?"
1- Open skin wounds and contact with contaminated animals tissues ,fluids and aborted fetuses .
2-Dairy products : If consumed from infected animals.
3- Aerosol mode of transmission by breathing contaminated dust .
Symptoms of Brucella in cattle
- Abortion " storm of abortions " .
- Retained placenta.
- Testis inflammation in bulls.
- Udder inflammation .
- weight loss .
- Depression and fever.
Symptoms of Brucella in Human
- Fever " Mediterranean fever " .
- Arthritis.
- Headaches .
- Can be diagnosed by lab Blood tests .
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