Herbal Veterinary Medicine part 2

Herbal Veterinary Medicine part 2
Dear Viewer, we have seen the basics of Veterinary Herbal Medicines in the ? rest part of this

documentary. And also, we have learnt
the herbal medicines for inflammation, Mastitis,

Fever, Cow pox, Yoke gall, Bloat, Prolapse
of Uterus, Gangrenous Tail, Anoestrus and

for many more problems. Now, in this 2nd b
part of the film, let us study the herbal

medicines for other problems. General information
and suggestions given in 1st part applies

to these medicines as well. These are all,
time tested ethnic medicines collected from

traditional herbal medicine practitioners.
We want to remind that Shramajeevi Agri Films

will not entertain any claim of loss or inconveniences
due to these medicines.

Now let us study the diseases of animals and
the herbal remedies for the same. First one

is the problem of
Repeat Breeding: Symptoms: Animal comes in

to oestrus even after repeated insemination.
Reasons: infection in the uterus, malnutrition,

deficiency of minerals, hormonal imbalance,
lack of well-developed ovum and few other

unexplained reasons result in this repeat
breeding problem.

Medicine 1: Ingredients: Belliric Myrobalan,
White Cheesewood, Spine gourd and lemon fruit.

Method: Collect the bark of Belliric Myrobalan
tree by hitting by a stone. Do not use the

sickle. Crush this bark nicely and mix it
with the cooked rice. Feed this mixture 2

hours after insemination, twice. Or Grind
White Cheesewood bark in lemon juice and mix

it with cooked rice and feed. OR Feeding one
tuber of Spine Gourd, once, will solve the

Medicine 2: The animal fails to conceive if

there is some infection in the uterus. Treatment
to remove the infection is like this. Ingredients:

Bael Tree, Staff Tree oil, Fish killer tree
and lemon fruit. Method: Crush half a kilogram

of Bael tree leaves and feed when the animal
comes in to oestrus. Along with this give

the root of staff tree vine in lemon juice

and feed. Or, grind the bark of Fish killer
tree in lemon juice and feed.

Medicine 3: Ingredients: Curry leaf. Method:
Take 100 grams of curry leaf and wash thoroughly.

Feed this quantity of leaves for 10 days from
the day of insemination. This may be dried

under shade and fed. 50 grams is sufficient
if dried.

Medicine 4: Ingredients: Lime water, Bark
of Cashew tree and wild Mango. Method: Crush

the bark of Cashew tree and wild Mango tree,

Mix 10 ml of lime water to it. Drench 250
ml of this solution before insemination.

Medicine 5: Ingredients: Bael tree, Leptadenia,
Goat milk and tender coconut water. Method:

Crush 100 grams of Bael tree leaves in goat
milk. Mix it with tender coconut water. Drench

this mixture once in a day from the day of
oestrus for 21 days. Or, Dry and power the

leaves and stem of Leptadenia. Feed 30 grams
of this powder daily for 30 days. Inseminate

the animal after this treatment is over.
Medicine 6: Ingredients: Henna leaves. Method:

Crush half a kilogram of fresh Henna leaves,
extract the liquid and drench. If the fresh

leaf is not available, mix 250 grams of Henna
leaf powder in water and drench. Take up this

treatment once after insemination and once
more after one week.

General Weakness: Calves and the grown-up
animals may suffer with weakness or debility.

Treatment for this condition is like this.
Medicine 1: Ingredients: Fresh Turmeric rhizome

and Buffalo curd. Method: Crush half a kilogram
of fresh turmeric rhizomes in buffalo curd.

Feed this paste twice a week for 2 weeks preferably
on Thursday and Sunday.

Medicine 2: The bullocks used for ploughing
exhaust and suffer with weakness at the end

of the season. This treatment is given to
overcome the weakness. Ingredients: Kolmaddu,

White pepper, Cumin seeds, clove and Honey
or Jaggary. Method: Scrape the stems of Kolmaddu

plant. Churn it with white pepper, cumin seeds
and clove - 1 spoon each. Mix honey or Jaggary

and make it a ball. 2 cricket ball size of
the mixture is fed for 4 to 5 days.

Medicine 3: Sometimes the animals suffer with
a disease resembling Joundis of human beings.

This also results in weakness. Treatment is
like this. Ingredients: Gmelina tree- white

type and buttermilk. Method: Crush Gmelina
leaves in buttermilk and drench once in a

day for 3 to 4 days.
Tick Infestation: Problem of ticks is common

for all the animals. These ecto parasites
suck the blood leading to Anaemia, weight

loss, drop in milk yield etc. Sometimes the
problems like Tick fever and Paralysis are

seen. Sever infestation may result in the
death of the animal itself due to anaemia.

Medicine 1: Ingredients: Bark of Indian Beech
Tree and Wild Green gram. Method: Crush the

bark of Indian beech tree in water, boil it
and prepare decoction. Apply this to the body

of the animal and rub. And grind 100 grams
of wild green gram in water. Drench 400 ml

per day for 2 to 3 days.
Medicine 2: Ingredients: Dronapushpi and Neem.

Method: Crush Neem and Dronapushpi leaves
- 1 kilogram each. Apply this mixture to the

body of the animal twice a day - in the morning
and afternoon. Wash the body of the animal

in the evening. Continue this for 3 to 4 days.
Medicine 3: Ingredients: Neem, Dronapushpi,

Marigold and Caster oil. Method: Crush the
leaves of Neem, Dronapushpi and Marigold - 250

grams each in 250 ml of castor oil. Apply
this mixture once in a day till the ticks

Medicine 4: Ingredients: Tobacco. Method:

Boil 250 grams of Tobacco in 2 litres of water.
Filter the decoction and spray it to the body

of the animal. Ticks will drop after washing
the body next day.

Medicine 5: Ingredients: Dronapushpi leaves
and lime water. Method: Mix half kilogram

of Dronapushpi leaves in in lime water. Apply
this liquid once in a week for 4 weeks.

Medicine 6: Ingredients: Custard apple, Neem
and Indian Beech. Method: Crush Custard apple

seeds and Neem leaves in water. Apply this
mixture in the morning and wash the body in

the evening. Continue this for 4 to 5 days.
Spread Indian Beech tree leaves on the floor

of the cattle shed.
Diarrhoea: Symptoms: Dung becomes watery and

sometimes with blood. Dry skin, no mastication,
weakness in the eyes etc. are the symptoms

of diarrhoea. Reasons: Sudden change in the
food, infection of microorganisms etc. will

cause this problem.
Medicine 1: Ingredients: Celtis cinnamomea,

cooked rice, Vibhooti, ground nut oil, rice
wash water, tea decoction, Slow Match Tree

and fermented buttermilk. Method: Crush the
leaves of Celtis in rice wash water and drench.

Or Mix Vibhooti, cooked rice and ground nut
oil thoroughly. Feed 250 grams of this mixture

in the morning. Or Drench 250 ml of 2nd Tea
decoction mixed with milk. Or Crush the bark

of Slow Match tree, dilute it in fermented
buttermilk or rice wash water and drench.

Medicine 2: Ingredients: Sapota raw fruit
and buttermilk. Method: Crush 3-4 raw fruits

of Sapota and dilute it in buttermilk. Drench
it twice a day for 3 to 4 days.

Medicine 3: Ingredients: Country Mallow, Cow
buttermilk and finger millet flour. Method:

Grind 100 grams of Country Mallow leaves in
cow buttermilk. Mix it with 100 grams of finger

millet flour and drench thrice a day for 3
to 4 days.

Medicine 4: Ingredients: Pomegranate, Papaya
and Fennel. Method: Take the skin of 3 pomegranate

fruit and boil it with 20 grams of papaya
seeds. Prepare the decoction and mix 50 grams

of Fennel seed powder. Drench 200 ml decoction
twice a day for 3 to 4 days.

Medicine 5: Ingredients: Geloe, Guava, Pomegranate,
Cocculus and black gram dhal. Method: Take

leaves of Tinospora gulancha, young leaves
and flowers of guava, sprouts of pomegranate

plant, leaves of Cocculus- 1 handful each.
Put 100 grams of black gram dhal with the

herbs and make the decoction. Drench 250 ml
of the decoction twice a day for 2 days.

Medicine 6: Ingredients: Jamun Tree and Honey
Tree. Crush the bark of Jamun tree and Honey

tree -1 palm size each. Boil this crush in

for 2 days.
Medicine 7: Ingredients: Five leaved Chaste

tree, Tanners Cassia and Marabou Thorn. Method:
Crush the leaves of Chaste tree and Tanners

Cassia - 50 grams each and prepare the decoction.
Drench this decoction 400 ml per day for 2

to 3 days. Or Crush 250 grams of bark of Marabou
tree and prepare the decoction. Drench 400

ml twice a day for 3 days.
Medicine 8: Ingredients: Bael tree, Sorghum

flour and Wheat flour. Method: Take glue portion
of 2 Bael fruits, 50 grams of Sorghum flour

and 50 grams of wheat flour and mix these
in half litre of rice wash water. Drench this

solution twice a day for 3 days.
Medicine 9: Ingredients: Curd Fruit, Cum in

seeds and buttermilk. Method: Crush the pulp
of 2 Curd fruit and 25 grams of cumin seeds.

Dilute this in buttermilk. Drench 400 ml of
this mixture thrice a day for 2 days.

Milk Yield Improvement: The calved animals
may yield less due to weakness, fever, contagious

diseases, diarrhoea etc. The following treatments
will improve the milk yield.

Medicine 1: Ingredients: Bark of Cluster Fig,
Horse gram, Boiled rice, Red gram and Dill

seeds. Method: Churn 10 kilograms of cluster
fig bark. Add 5 kilograms of horse gram, 5

kilograms of boiled rice, 3 kilograms of red
gram and 1.5 kilograms of Dill seeds. Soak

these items together and grind. Divide this
in 10 parts and feed 1 part a day for 10 days.

Medicine 2: Ingredients: Asparagus roots,
green gram, Jaggary and milk. Method: soak

Add half a kilogram of Asparagus roots and

grind. Mix little bit of jaggary and milk
and boil. Drench this solution once in a day

for 2 to 3 days.
Medicine 3: Ingredients: Winter Cherry, Leptadenia

and buttermilk. Method: Crush Winter Cherry
roots in buttermilk. Drench 200 ml of this

solution for 2 days. Along with this feed

Worm Infestation: Symptoms: Animal becomes
lean, eats less food and despite of eating

does not gain weight. Shrinking of skin and
nose due to Anaemia is seen. Pendulous large

stomach, rough hairs, repeated diarrhoea etc.
are the other symptoms of worm problem.

Medicine 1: Ingredients: Sprouts of Papaya
tree and seeds. Method: Crush 100 grams of

young papaya leaves in water. Drench this
to empty stomach of the animal once in a day

for 3 days. Or Grind 20 grams of papaya seeds
with sugar. Mix it in warm water and drench

twice a day for 6 days.
Medicine 2: Ingredients: Marigold, Pomegranate

and Buttermilk. Method: Crush 3 big marigold
flowers in buttermilk or milk. Drenching this

once is enough. Or Put 300 grams of skin of
pomegranate fruit in 2 litres of water. Boil

this till it reaches 750 ml. Drench this decoction
once after cooling.

Medicine 3: Ingredients: False Black Pepper,
Butea Gum Tree, Neem and Jaggary. Method:

Crush 25 seeds of false black pepper and 3
seeds of Butea in water. Put little bit of

jaggary and drench it once a day for 3 days.
For calves below 1 year use only 6 seeds of

false black pepper and 1 Butea seed. Or boil

to prepare decoction. Drench 100 ml of this
decoction to newly born calf. Give one more

dose after 20 days.
Medicine 4: Ingredients: White Cheese wood,

Wild Pepper, lemon fruit and cumin seeds.
Method: Grind the bark of White Cheese wood

in lemon juice and feed. Or crush wild pepper
roots and cumin seeds, boil this to prepare

decoction. Drenching this solution once will

the worms.
Ephemeral Fever: Symptoms: This is a viral

disease in which the animal suffers from fever,
dry nose, erect hairs, eating less food, solid

dung, limping of front or hind legs, body
pain, drop in milk yield etc. This problem

starts with the change in the climate and
biting of flies. At most care is necessary

while drenching the herbal medicines to this
animal suffering from ephemeral fever. Because

there will be paralysis of Epiglottis and
hence the drenching may go to lungs causing

the death of the animal.
Medicine 1: Ingredients: Indian Trumpet, Wild

Olive, Wild Celery, Zinger, Pepper, Jaggary,
Croton and rice wash water. Method: Take the

bark of Indian Trumpet and Wild Olive and
add little bit of wild celery, zinger and

pepper. Churn these items and add Jaggary
to make it a ball. Feed 1 cricket ball size

thrice a day for 2-3 days. Or grind the root
of Croton in rice wash water and drench it

for 2 to 3 days.
Medicine 2: Ingredients: Neem, Aloe, Areca

nut and Jaggary. Method: Take 1 leaf of Aloe,

and divide in to 3 parts. Feed 3 times on

Medicine 3: Ingredients: Five leaved Chaste

tree, pepper, garlic and Jaggary. Method:
Take 1 handful of the leaves of five leaved

Chaste tree, 1 garlic bulb, 30 grams of pepper
and 50 grams of Jaggary. Put water and boil

to prepare decoction. Drench this twice a
day for 3 days.

Medicine 4: Ingredients: Leadwort, Drumstick,
Neem and Betel vine. Method: Take the roots

of Leadwort, drumstick leaves and young Neem
leaves - 1 handful each, 2 leaves of betel

vine and 250 grams of Jaggary. Crush these
items in 200 ml of goat milk. Drench twice-

in the morning and evening on one day.
Medicine 5: Ingredients: Bark of Chebulic

Myrobalan. Method: Crush 5 kilograms of bark
of Chebulic Myrobalan, add 2 litre of water,

boil it and prepare decoction. Drench 400
ml twice a day for 8 days.

Medicine 6: Ingredients: Indian Trumpet, Zinger,
Cumin seeds, Wild Celery and Garlic. Method:

Take 1 palm size bark of Indian Trumpet tree,

and 1 garlic bulb. Crush these, add 1 litre
of water and boil it to make decoction. Drench

will cure Ephemeral fever.

Cold and Cough: Like us even the animals suffer
with cold and cough. Secretion in nose and

eyes, eating less food, difficult breathing,
increase in body temperature, cough, sneezing

etc. are the symptoms. Reasons: Cold and humid
cattle shed without ventilation, infection

in the lungs, contagious diseases etc. will
bring this problem.

Medicine 1: Ingredients: Betel vine, garlic,
onion, aloe, Geloe, pepper and camphor. Method:

Take 4 leaves of betel vine, 1 garlic bulb,

Geloe, 10 peppers and 2 camphor. Crush all
these in 250 ml of water. Drench twice a day

for 3 days.
Medicine 2: Ingredients: Malabar nut, Glory

Bower, Indian Ipecae, Aloe, garlic and pepper.
Method: Take 15 leaves of Malabar nut, 15

leaves of glory bower vine, 1 handful of Indian
Ipecae, 1 leaf of aloe, 10 peppers, half garlic

bulb and 50 grams of Jaggary. Crush these
in water and make decoction. Drench 400 ml

of this decoction two times on 1 day.
Medicine 3: Ingredients: Thorn apple, pepper,

garlic and milk. Method: Take 2 handful of
thorn apple leaves, 10 peppers, 1 garlic bulb

and 100 ml of milk. Crush this and add 1 litre
of water. Drench this once a day for 2 days.

Medicine 4: Ingredients: Spreading Hogweed,
Sweet Basil, Indian lpecae, Mustard, pepper

and Garlic. Method: Take 4 roots of Spreading
Hogweed, 1 handful leaves each of Sweet Basil

and Indian lpecae, 10 grams of pepper, 2 garlic
bulbs and 10 grams of mustard. Grind all these

and mix with goat milk. Drench this twice
a day for 3 days.

Medicine 5: Sometimes the animals especially
the sheep and goat eat wild mongo fruit while

grazing. This causes cough. For this the treatment
is like this. Ingredients: Turmeric powder,

pepper and Jaggary. Method: Take turmeric
powder, pepper and Jaggary - half kilogram

each. Crush it and boil in 5 litre of water
to make decoction. Put this decoction on cattle

feed and feed it till the cough cures. This
quantity is enough for 150 goats.

Feeding on Poisonous Trees: Sometimes the
grazing animals feed on poisonous fig and

other herbages. This may cause sudden death
of the animal.

Medicine: Ingredients: Lower leaves of Betel
vine of Nagaballi variety and Soap nut. Method:

Collect sufficient quantity of lower rough
leaves of Nagaballi betel vine, crush it and

extract the liquid. But do not use the stem
of the vine. Drench half a litre of this liquid

to the poisoned animal. Then crush the soap
nuts in the water and prepare the liquid.

Drench this liquid half an hour after the
betel vine juice. Watery dung will come out

with the poison. Repeat this treatment 3 to

Eating tender Bamboo and consuming Coconut
oil: Tender bamboo is poisonous to the animals.

To neutralize this poison, take up this treatment-
Crush Cassia tora plant and extract the liquid.

Drench 100 ml of this juice twice. Consuming
more quantity of coconut oil is also becomes

fatal to the animal. To neutralize this prepare
soap nut solution or decoction of caster roots.

Drench 100 to 150 ml of any of these liquids

Death of Calf in the womb or Mummified foetus:
To take out the dead calf go for this treatment.

Take 3 vines of Sida hirsuta, 3 nodes of Ivy
gourd and 1 handful of the veins of castor

leaves. Crush these herbs and make decoction
in half a litre of water. Drench 250 ml of

this decoction thrice a day for 3 days.
Problem of Corneal Opacity: Damage by a sharp

object or hitting of hard substance to the
eye may result in the loss of sight partially

or fully. Medicine: Ingredients: Honey and
excreta of Chick of country breed. Method:

Put the drops of honey to the affected eye
for 2-3 days. Or Crush the excreta of the

country chick in water and filter it. Put
this solution to the affected eye for 2 to

Problem of Pus: To stop the collection of

the pus in various parts of the body go for
this treatment. Ingredients: Oil of Marking

nut, Human hair, Dillenia tree and pepper.
Method: Remove the pus from the wound first.

Apply the oil of marking nu to the wound.
Mix human cut hair in the same oil and fill

it in the wound. Or Scrape the bark of Dillenia
tree. Crush the scrape with pepper and fill

the mixture in the wound.
Maggot Wound: External wound for long time

will attract the flies and hence the maggots.
This avoids the healing of wound. Medicine:

Ingredients: Human cut hair, White Cheese
wood, Marigold, pepper and Tobacco. Method:

Keep half quarter handful of human cut hair
in banana leaf and feed. Or crush the bark

of White Cheese wood and feed. If the maggots
are more in the wound, crush the leaves of

Marigold, 2-3 peppers and a small bit of Tobacco
and fill it in the wound. Or to drop the maggots

from the wound put the ash on the wound.
Stiffness of Muscles or Bigiroga: Difficulty

in walking, arched back, stiff gait etc. is
the symptoms of this disease. Medicine: Ingredients:

Honey tree, Copra, Red chili, Moonbeam and
buttermilk. Method: Take the bark of Honey

tree, Copra and red chili. Churn these items
and make it a ball. Feed in the morning one

ball size of the mixture per day for 4 days.
Or grind 1 handful of white Moonbeam leaves

in buttermilk and drench.
Paralysis: The hind legs become paralyzed

and the animal fails stand. Rest of the things
remains normal. This disease is common in

western ghat regions of Karnataka. The exact
reason is not yet understood by the veterinary

science. The herbal treatment is very lengthy
and complex. Treatment: Put the dung in triangular

shape at the junction of hip bones. Pour hot
oil and burn. Take the bark of Indian Trumpet,

Wild Celery, Zinger and Pepper. Churn the
items, add little bit of Jaggary and feed.

Take the crushed leaves of five leaved Chaste
tree, Dronapushpi, black holy basil and fresh

zinger -juice - 75 ml each, and 50 ml of onion
juice. Add little bit of coconut oil, mix

it thoroughly and filter with a clean cloth.
Drench this liquid through both the nostrils

slowly. Give 150 ml of this medicine once
in a day for 3 days. If drenching is not possible

in the nostril do it by mouth. Along with
this drench half quarter of Cashew Fenny twice.

Crush the leaves of Crossandra in the Fenny
and drench thrice a day for 3 days. Churn

the bark of Drumstick, pepper, common salt
together and rub it to all 4 legs. Or apply

the oil of Turpentine to the legs.
Posterior Paraplegia: This is also a typical

disease of western ghat areas. The animals
stop feeding and crawl on the ground. Treatment:

shake 25 ml of the wild celery extract in
water and drench. Then mix 50 ml of Eucalyptus

oil in cooled -boiled water and drench. Then
mix the juice of Dronapushpi, black sacred

basil, onion and fresh zinger - 75 ml each,
put little bit of coconut oil, filter it and

drench. Apart from that take the barks of
Indian Trumpet, Wild Olive, Wild Celery seeds,

zinger and pepper. Churn all these items with
Jaggary and feed.

Fracture: Put the bandage if possible. Then
take the leaves of Malebandha, Kolmaddu, Murukina

Gida � 2 handful each, 2 spoons of clove,

add the scraping of 1 fresh coconut and honey.
Make it a ball and feed it for 4 days. Give

one more dose of the same herbal combination
after 20 days.

Slipping of front leg joint: The animal shows
limping. For its treatment take the bark of

Slow Match Tree and Indian Madder vine. Crush
them, extract the liquid and filter it. Drench

this liquid in right nostril if the slipping
is in left leg. Drench the same in left nostril

if the slipping is in right leg. Or crush
thorny wild brinjal sprouts in sesame oil

and drench it in the nostril.
Slipping of Hip Joint: In this the animal

will not be able to stand. Pull the leg like
this by an experienced person and give the

medicine later. Take 2 handful of Kolmaddu,

clove. Churn these items, put some honey and
make a ball. Feed this once a day for 2 to

leaves and feed.

Snake bite or King Cobra bite: Treatment:
Grind Rauwolfia root in lemon juice. Apply

this paste to the wound of snake bite. And
also, feed 4 spoons of the same paste. Or

Crush 4 seeds of Jequirity in lemon juice
and feed.

Mad Dog bite: Grind Indian Birthwort root
in lemon juice and apply it to the wound of

the dog bite. Feed 4 spoons of the same grind
to the stomach.

Biting by other poisonous creatures: Inflammatory
swelling is seen on the part of bite of the

body. It creates a lot of pain. To treat this,
grind Rauwolfia root in lemon juice and feed.

Or Crush the roots of Sensitive plant in cow
milk. Drench the mixture 2 to 3 times and

apply the same to the wound. Or Grind the
roots of Atalantia in water and feed. To treat

poisonous scorpion bite, grind Moonbeam or
Rauwolfia root in lemon juice and feed.

Dear viewers, Shramajeevi Agri Films is documenting
these veterinary herbal medicines from all

parts of Karnataka. These two volumes explain
only few promising herbal combinations. We

will produce many more volumes in this series.
Our preliminary concern is to document and

conserve this incredible knowledge for future
research and use. We expect your support,

co-operation and blessings for this marathon
work. We hope this work by your Shramajeevi,

will be remembered for ever.


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