Feline Distemper - Distemper in cats - Cat Panleukopenia Diseases - signs , Treatment and Prevention
Distemper in cats - Cat Panleukopenia Diseases - signs , Treatment and Prevention Feline Distemper Disease in cats : Definition of Feline Distemper Disease in cats : - It is Acute , contagious highly fetal disease of cats weakness,depression , vomiting and bloody stool . - It is more severe in young ages although it infects all ages if cats especially unvaccinated cats . - The diseases causing the breakdown of blood cells " the WBC s " espically in the intestinal tract . Causes of Feline Distemper Disease in cats : - Feline Panleukopenia virus FPV. Signs of Feline Distemper Disease in cats : - Anaemia due to breakdown of the blood cells . - Weakness and secondary infections due to the loss of WBC which are the defensive system . - Fever . - Off-food. - Vomiting . - Bloody Stools - Hair loss - Pale mucus membranes . - secondary infections : Bacterial , viral or fungal. - Difficult in breathing. - Depression with rapidly progressive death . ...