
Showing posts from September, 2019

Feline Distemper - Distemper in cats - Cat Panleukopenia Diseases - signs , Treatment and Prevention

Distemper in cats - Cat Panleukopenia Diseases - signs , Treatment and Prevention  Feline Distemper Disease in cats : Definition of Feline Distemper Disease in cats : - It is Acute , contagious highly fetal disease of cats weakness,depression , vomiting and bloody stool . - It is more severe in young ages although it infects all ages if cats especially unvaccinated cats . - The diseases causing the breakdown of blood cells " the WBC s "  espically in the intestinal tract . Causes of Feline Distemper Disease in cats : - Feline Panleukopenia virus FPV. Signs of Feline Distemper Disease in cats : - Anaemia due to breakdown of the blood cells . - Weakness and secondary infections due to the loss of WBC which are the defensive system . - Fever . - Off-food. - Vomiting . - Bloody Stools - Hair loss  - Pale mucus membranes . - secondary infections : Bacterial , viral or fungal. - Difficult in breathing. - Depression with rapidly progressive death . ...

Everything You Want To know About Heart Worms In Dogs

Heartworm disease in dogs  Heartworm Disease in Dogs Definition of Heart Worms : - Heartworm disease is the result of an infection by a worm diflaria Metis . - Heartworm infection is acquired by dogs after an infected mosquito takes a blood meal from the dog . Pathogenesis of heart worms - Life cycle of heart worm: To understand how to prevent heartworm disease in your dog let's take a look at the life cycle of the heartworm . 1- The life cycle of the heartworm begins when a mosquito feeds on a heartworm infected animal and ingests an immature microscopic stage of the heart worm called microfilaria . 2- Once inside the mosquito the microfilaria develop into infective larvae within one to four weeks depending on external temperatures when the mosquito takes its next blood meal from a susceptible host such as your dog the infected larvae are deposited into the skin surrounding the bite . 3- The infected larvae grow into the dog's skin for up to two weeks be...

Dog Choking - Causes and Emergency Care of Choking Dog

Dog Choking - The compete Guide To What To Do  If you suspect your dog is choking, the priority is always to keep yourself safe.  Stay as calm as you can, and help them by carefully restraining them.  And then, you want to open their mouth, which is sometimes easier done with two people, and safer done by two people, and only do this if you are confident that you're not putting yourself at risk.  You would open their mouth, and you would check inside to see if there is anything obvious, which you would just remove with your finger and thumb.  Don't be tempted to put your hands in or finger sweep around unless there is something very obvious that you can see, and it might be easier to use tweezers or forceps to remove anything. For a small dog, you would hold them upside down and you would gently shake them, holding them by their thighs and gently shake them.  Boo is clearly not a small dog, so for Boo, what we are trying to do is to get her into a ...